Call and Ask


Not that long disease, my life, but that long convalescence, my life. The liberal-bourgeois...
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Ehud’s Revenge


TODAY Sheer Tragedy * I just noticed that on the ebay auction I’m conducting I’ve mistakenly selected “Seller pays...
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Aesthetic Squeegee


Firstly, we would ask that you would agree to this: I just remembered that I hadn’t checked any of my friends diaries in a long time....
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Promise me you’ll hate pudding


So, at this moment, the carpetman is laying carpet in my living room and my anteroom. I don’t...
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yabbo yoobo!!


I think somewhere around the late eighties or early nineties the act of making up silly words suddenly got very serious. It suddenly became...
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Fables, fables and Acapella…


Let me start as close to the end as possible, which is the only way I’ll be able to add a real diary entry. The problem I have w/...
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Working with Franz Kafka


I’m sitting at “work.” The reason it’s in quotes is because I’ve been “working” here...
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Pelican Babies


God bless America. I’ve been saying that a lot lately. I’m not sure if it’s meant to be ironic or if I’m using a cliche’ out of...
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Otto’s Pets


And now for the first entry… I’m trying my hardest to be coy, knowing and just a bit whimsical. The best entries I’ve read and in...
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