How Do You Twitter?

Connections • One Comment

One of the reasons it is often hard to explain twitter to someone who doesn’t use it is that...
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Life Is Short

Culture, zen • One Comment

So it is — the life we receive is not short, but we make it so, nor do we have any lack of it, but are wasteful of it. Just as great and...
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21st Century Profiles


Louis himself is the continuity: his jittery consciousness, floating through the aftermath of divorce, which operates as a kind of second...
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What was that all about?


Driving back to work, I saw a cop car with its lights on blocking the right lane of the expressway....
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What do I want to do when I grow up?

Culture, zen

If you’re reading these words and you’re not an archiving bot sifting through the digital detritus of the early internet a...
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Amazon: The Hidden Empire


This presentation is a comprehensive look at the ever expanding (and ever innovating) business of
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Twitter, SPL and Developer Wushu


In The 7 Kinds of Software Developer Wushu , Bob Warfield seven types of software developers and...
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Organized By Output


Chris Brogan wrote a great digital devotional post about organizing your business and time. In particular he talks about how he sets...
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This Week’s Reading


ThinkBack, Playing with ThinkUp’s New API The newest beta of ThinkUp adds an API to the app for the first time, allowing...
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Pavlovian CTR Optimization


I found myself inadvertently mousing over to the red swoop in this ad every time I saw it today. I...
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