falling back

Culture, zen

    I like daylight savings time because it reminds me that my perception of time is a...
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Why Start Up In Saint Louis?


Traditionally, St. Louis has made its fortune on the rivers. It’s easy to see why. Sitting at the confluence of the two largest...
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Débrouillard is what every plongeur wants to be called. A débrouillard is a man who, even when he is told to do the impossible, will se...
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How To Stand Out


“At each creative decision, ask whether you’re doing it a certain way because...
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How To Find New Customers Online

Connections • One Comment

How do you get your product or pitch in front of potential customers online? It comes down to “Where are your users?” and for...
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Explanations are a UX Smell


Have you ever added someone as a “Contact” on Flickr? It’s a confusing experience. The core of the problem is the word...
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There is something magical about describing something into existence

Coding, zen • One Comment

It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t done it. She asked me how I can take the...
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Regarding our current economic policies…


If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter; for he...
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CSS, Forms, Borders and Biographies


This is just a bit of internet mix tape of interesting things I’ve read recently: Little CSS Stuff Newcomers Get Confused About If...
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Accumulated Links

Coding, Miscellania

HTML5Pattern – A list of patterns that can be applied to many common form inputs  To...
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