no more football
More pictures are up! We got some free tickets to the rams preseason game this weekend – so i...
his word alone
Todays poll on the St. Louis Post Dispatch… I thought the wording was a bit strange: Which side do you believe in the Kerry swift...
they’re coming already…
ok – the picture backlog will be rectified! I promise. Mostly....
back against the wall
oy – threw my back out two and half weeks ago, i’m just now becoming mobile....
oy, my back hurts. um… in other news, we have a cat. well, kitten. It’s orange and odd. Where is that liberal media i keep...
how did ayn rand get in there?
Ethics Quiz To which philosophical system do your beliefs align? This is an interesting quiz that shows how closely your philosophical...
apathy makes me hungry
Where was i? ahh.. Amy and Chile came back from Podunk, Missouri. They were down there to welcome...
seventy two and tippacanoe
After upwards of 72 hours without electricity, the lights and fans and (oh, thank god) the air condition sparked back to life on wednesday...
light out
We’re heading toward 48 hours without power at our house. Second power outage in a month. bah.The boy is at his Great Aunt’s...
new pics are up. that’s it....