
Essays that reflect on how code creates the future

There is something magical about describing something into existence

Coding, zen • One Comment

It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t done it. She asked me how I can take the...
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CSS, Forms, Borders and Biographies


This is just a bit of internet mix tape of interesting things I’ve read recently: Little CSS Stuff Newcomers Get Confused About If...
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Accumulated Links

Coding, Miscellania

HTML5Pattern – A list of patterns that can be applied to many common form inputs  To celebrate the 12th birthday of metafilter...
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Wrong To Right


The other day I ran across some very old code and decided to push it up to the interwebs....
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Hub… hub… oh-my-zsh! God Bless You. LoL!


I was poking around on my desktop tonight because, let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like a thursday night spent playing...
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Coding Ugly

Coding, zen

Sometimes it’s good to just hack. Don’t worry about scalability or maintainability, don’t sweat coding standards, ignore...
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Depression, Burn Out and Writing Code

Coding • 132 Comments

When your livelihood depends on what you can do with your brain, fighting depression and the...
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Chrome Dev Tools Versioning

Coding • 3 Comments

I was looking at this Chrome Dev Tools Cheatsheet that was put together by Boris Smus and Paul Irish when something caught my eye: I was...
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Geolocation, JSON and Simple Design – This Week’s Reading


Adding HTML5 Geolocation to your web applications One of the interesting and useful addition to the HTML5 specification is the Geolocation...
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Twitter, SPL and Developer Wushu


In The 7 Kinds of Software Developer Wushu , Bob Warfield seven types of software developers and...
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