
Essays that reflect on how code creates the future

Pavlovian CTR Optimization


I found myself inadvertently mousing over to the red swoop in this ad every time I saw it today. I...
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Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags


I just read an interesting tutorial over at David Walsh’s blog about Facebook Open Graph Meta tags. In it he discusses how to use...
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jFormer – interesting php/jquery form creator.

Coding • One Comment

do action=”amazon-jquery”/ There is, of course, no shortage of form building, validating and processing libraries. Zend has one...
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Check this out – IdentEngine is a javascript library that starting with something like an...
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Predicting Frustration – How facebook gets forgotten passwords right

Coding • One Comment

Today I had to access a facebook account that I use for testing purposes. It had been a long time since I’d used it, so my first...
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So apparently you can link hashed anchors to element ids


Somehow, in the last 15 years of web development, I missed the fact that you can point an anchor tag to the id of an element. I’ve...
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Toggle Buttons Should Represent Boolean Values


Can we just all agree that if you have a button that is supposed to toggle from one state to...
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Ideas are a dime a dozen


It’s common for the "business" people to have an idea and think that’s what they’re bringing to the table....
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The difference between perl and python


I like this quote from "Dreaming In Code," a book I’m reading this week: In one observer’s characterization of the...
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I’m looking at you Zend


Sometimes I throw exceptions; sometimes I throw punches. It’s your call, code....
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