Online Audio Is A Poor Format For Learning Code


Saw a link to a “radio show” about Advanced OO Patterns. I thought that was an odd...
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Two Player Game

Stories • One Comment

When I was a kid my dad bought us a video game system for Christmas. This was in the early eighties — the height of the Atari era. We...
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A man crosses the street in rain, stepping gently, looking two times north and south, because his son is asleep on his shoulder. No car...
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Lying At The Barbershop

Stories • One Comment

The guy that usually cuts my hair wasn’t in today. I always wait for him when I go in. Not...
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The Once A Year Card


Are you the sort of person that never remembers to buy cards? Birthdays, Christmas, Get Well…. it just doesn’t occur to you....
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For You Mamasita


Corpo de Mujer Cuerpo de mujer, blancas colinas, muslos blancos, te pareces al mundo en tu actitud de entrega. Mi cuerpo de labriego...
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Christopher Hitchens Lived


I always knew there was a risk in the bohemian lifestyle… I decided to take it because it...
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Scale and Perspective


  “It takes these very simple-minded instructions—’Go fetch a number, add it to this number, put the result there, perceive if...
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PHP Gravatar Class


I was recently working on a small side project when I ran across a need for a php implementation of a class that would produce Gravatar...
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Occupy The Future

Culture • One Comment

We need a course correction. The world is changing and technology is introducing new ways of...
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