Author: lckidwell

Élucidation encore plus


Cal-i-forn-i-ay! Remerciez Dieu de cette petite part de merveille snowless à côté de...
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Elucidating the Present


Cal-i-forn-i-ay! Thank God for this little slice of snowless wonder next to the ocean. After braving subzero snowy sop the last few days in...
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A Sentimental Education Reform Package


I got back to Columbus from Toledo yesterday. I had a great time in Toledo and enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces of some of the sweetest...
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Christmas Wish


All I want for christmas is a Zegna cashmere blend three-button suit. This three-button, single...
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Some Nightmares are merely screams from Hell – Borges


I just woke up. I had a number of dreams that were odd and spooky feeling. The details have already erased themselves from my memory. I...
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Oh Holy Night


Christmas is in like 10 days. Maybe less. I was reading Matt’s diary and it got me to thinking about Christmas. Not that I...
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Raging Ellipsi of Death


Good morning.. night.. whatever… Ellipses are the curse of the internet. I think that’s...
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The Mortification of Flesh


Let’s start from the very beginning… I spent the night listening to Jewel. No, I’m not proud of it. But, sometimes...
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Melody in B sharp


Bills, bills, bills. Lotsa bills. Got yer water bill, yer gas bill, yer ‘letric bill, yer phone bill (ooo what a whopper!), yer shoe...
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My Girlfriends name is Dusty, which is a lie.


Hmmrph. I guess that cookie is working properly ’cause diaryland didn’t ask for my...
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