hang dog
found the virus. it was hiding out on one of the bidrank computers – flooding the network and...
take that atkins boy
lose weight eating at mcdonalds weird obsession i have lately. it’s not personal, i swear....
xml/rss and other acronyms
slow night, so i wrote an xml/rss feed for this site. if you’re into that sorta thing you can point yer newsy thing at:...
living in a political world
Left-Liberals prefer self-government in personal matters and central decision-making on economics....
interview with an umpire
Here are the 5 questions for the interview of muddylemon. Selected by Cybrpunk. There are rules involved, as follows: The rules: If you...
how was it
Amy and i discovered a burlington coat factory the other day on manchester. i had no idea that there was anything whatsoever west of 270 on...
brain drain
so how much do you use? Someone has taken most of your brain away and you probably didn’t...
yeah, i knew that
23.66864% – Geek yeah, coulda guessed that one. Amy insists it’s much higher – but she’s scared of computers in...
redesigned a friends website the yesterday. it’s his church out in St. Joseph, actually. he’s been pastoring out there for a...
home improvements
fixing things up around here. on the comments section you no longer have to fish for a country name...