Written by 5:00 am Miscellania


the first week and a half of the new job is under the belt. looks like i’ve survived ok.
yesterday we had a small crisis. my last check from my old job was due on monday – they didn’t send it out until monday. luckily, i caught them on time and had it overnighted. Tuesday … no check. Wednesday… no check. This is getting bad. So i call up and find that someone didn’t put the right address on the package. so i had to call ups, who said they’re holding it hostage in earth city. that’s not just a merry jaunt up the road from clayton, that’s the epicenter of traffic in the StL metro area.
so i asked amy, sweet amy, to go get my check for me. she drove with the dog up there (about a three hour round trip) and retrieved our sole means of sustenance for the week. she also threatened to kill me for asking her to do that. can’t blame her for that.
