i am a csi addict
csi comes on a hundred times a day. i know this now, and so does my tivo-type contraption....
god bless vicodin
The tooth hole itself hasn’t hurt at all – it’s the headaches that have gotten to me. I thought vicodin would make me...
no toof
I lost a tooth today. Well, it’s not lost – it’s sitting on my counter in a little envelope. I had a toothache for a...
kitty and baby
i was uploading pictures to flickr tonight – found this photo – i don’t think i...
print problems
I really hate printers.I have a Color Laserjet 5m – quite dead. I replaced every piece inside it – figured out the board is...
cold calling cucumber
yeah – it’s been awhile. I’ve been busily building a company or something. I think. Well, it’s coming together at:...
human cost
I don’t think I could deal with this....
throaty whisper
Ah – so my tonsils no longer feel like they’re being constantly skewered by forks. I think that can be unconditionally called a...
to be in their shoes when they talk…
A really great extract from Brenda Ueland that I ran across. There are some really beautiful ideas in this. Like: Now before going to a...
where was i
ah, so christmas is over. but you probably already knew that. I had a quiet and altogether...