I was poking around on my desktop tonight because, let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like a thursday night spent playing with .oh-my-zsh.
Quick Aside: I just noticed that in looking for the most “canonical” link to use for .oh-my-zsh in the previous paragraph I googled it and saw a few possibilities in the first serp, like a github repo, a blog post describing how its author uses it, among others. Nothing seemed very official. There was a twitter account linked near the top though. I clicked it knowing that the link on the oh-my-zsh twitter account would be the best choice.
Somehow Twitter managed to pivot into an identity service without me noticing. It has built in an authority transfer, not just by “verifying” celebrity accounts, but in the follower count as well. I seem to be able to sense how many followers a given account should have, and if it differs widely from that expectation it’s suspect.
A counter example is the account of someone who purports to not be Katt Williams but writes in his voice. From what I can tell, he had a previous account that was spelled correctly but was suspended due to not being verified but tweeting as a real person. Now there are multiple protestations claiming to not be who he claims to be (except he’s not.) It’s complicated but illuminating in regards to the multiple signals we process in trying to figure out who is who online.
Yes, so… where was I… ah, I was poking around and ran across a couple of interesting things. One of the nicest things about open source software is that you can root around and find citations, libraries, converted plugins and notes, acknowledgements and all the little connections that can lead you from one community to another.
One such bit is this little project called hub. As their tag line reads, “hub introduces git to GitHub.” It’s a little script that wraps all the fiddly bits, best practices and workflow of working with github into short intuitive aliases. For example:
$ hub clone rtomayko/tilt
# Expands to:
$ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/tilt.git
$ git clone -p resque
# Expands to:
$ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_USER/resque.git
$ git remote add origin
# Now we're getting interesting
$ git remote add origin git://github.com/YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO.git
That’s just the first few, it starts getting crazy around about $ git create
Another, only slightly less useful, thing:
# LOL!!1
# Source: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lolbash/lolbash/lolbash.sh
alias wtf='dmesg'
alias onoz='cat /var/log/errors.log'
alias rtfm='man'
alias visible='echo'
alias invisible='cat'
alias moar='more'
alias icanhas='mkdir'
alias donotwant='rm'
alias dowant='cp'
alias gtfo='mv'
alias hai='cd'
alias plz='pwd'
alias inur='locate'
alias nomz='ps -aux'
alias nomnom='killall'
alias cya='reboot'
alias kthxbai='halt'