I was looking at this Chrome Dev Tools Cheatsheet that was put together by Boris Smus and Paul Irish when something caught my eye:
I was instantly excited. This is a feature I’ve always wished for but couldn’t find in firebug – saving your changes while messing with things in the dev tools.
I’ve always found it so annoying when I’m tweaking some css and I get to the point where it’s perfect – but I can’t remember all the things I changed. For that I’ve always wished I could save the current css and do a diff against the original. With the diff I could be sure that I hadn’t forgotten to nudge a div a bit this way or changed the color of an element.
In Chrome’s implementation, they take it one further by saving multiple versions. I can see this being very useful when I want to click back and forth and compare different sets of changes.
I find it hard to believe this isn’t in Firebug or a firebug extension. It does seem to be a popular request.
Check out https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/firefile/ for Firefox
That’s cool – I just installed it. Hopefully it will help coax me out of using chrome all the time. I feel strangely guilty for that since firefox aligns a lot more closely with my philosophy of how the web should work.
Firefile will mess up your CSS file. Comments, @fontface etc are not supported.