To which philosophical system do your beliefs align? This is an interesting quiz that shows how closely your philosophical leanings rub up against the teaching of great thinkers through the ages. I really should take it again – as numbers 2 and 3 are quite disturbing.
My Results:
1. John Stuart Mill (100%)
2. Aquinas (98%)
3. Ayn Rand (97%)
4. Jean-Paul Sartre (94%)
5. Aristotle (79%)
6. Kant (76%)
7. Jeremy Bentham (74%)
8. Plato (66%)
9. Ockham (52%)
10. St. Augustine (51%)
11. Prescriptivism (50%)
12. David Hume (48%)
13. Stoics (47%)
14. Cynics (45%)
15. Epicureans (45%)
16. Thomas Hobbes (35%)
17. Spinoza (33%)
18. Nietzsche (25%)
19. Nel Noddings (17%)